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All Access MedicineClinical Skills Tutorial Videos

CasebankFree Online Cases

  • Sue Ture - Please take a history from Jackie about...
  • Su Ture - Please take a history from Jackie about...
  • Elle Eftees - You are an F2 on the Acute Medical Ward...
  • Harry Thema - You are a foundation doctor working wit...
  • Frank Haematuria - You are the FY1 doctor at the local men...
  • Dee Veetee - You are a FY1 doctor on a community psy...
  • Sarah Vical - You are the resident Psychiatry junior ...
  • Billie Rubin - You are an FY1 doing a GP placement. Bi...
  • Anita Scalpel - You are an F1 doctor working in a GP pr...
  • Jess Tation - You are an FY1 working at a GP surgery....

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