Seven years ago, a 30-year-old man saw his GP with malaise, fever, and jaundice. On examination, there were needle tracks in the left antecubital fossa & mitral regurgitation. Serologic test results were positive for HBsAg, HBV DNA, and IgG anti-HBc. He did not return for follow-up. Two years later, he was seen in A&E with hematemesis and ascites. Serologic test results were similar to those reported earlier. Sclerotherapy to treat esophageal varices was performed, and he was discharged. He again failed to return for follow-up. Five years after this episode, he now sees a physician because of a 5-kg weight loss, worsening abdominal pain, and rapid enlargement of the abdomen over the past month. Physical examination shows an increased liver span. Which of the following lab tests is most likely to be diagnostic of this last phase of his disease?
A Prolonged prothrombin time
B Elevated serum α-fetoprotein level
C Elevated serum ALT level
D Elevated serum alkaline phosphatase level
E Elevated serum ferritin level
F Increased blood ammonia level