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Being Responsible with Opioids

Like a lot of things in medicine, opioids are a double-edged sword. On the surface they seem like a panacea of wonderful pain-free floatiness, but scratch beneath the surface and you find a world of irritations, side-effects and occasionally life-threatening problems. Thankfully, we’re here with a few tips on how to avoid pitfalls and keep your patients and your medical defence union happy!

Beginners Guide: How the Internet Works

Working on a technology-oriented project invariably means that you have to occasionally talk about technology. And to start with this can cause a few issues for the technophobes. No the internet isn’t a little black box with a flashing red light (sadly), it’s a bit more complicated than that…

The Symphony CMS

Working in web development, it's sometimes tempting to hack around with software packages to try and get something working. Medisense works with the Symphony CMS, a fantastic way to store and deliver content that keeps you sane in the meantime!