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Surviving and Thriving in a Foundation Junior Doctor A&E Job

Many of us hear 'horror stories' from colleagues and the media about working in A&E as a junior doctor. Tough rotas, high-stakes and work-life stress: is the nightmare a reality? Nat Jansen, an A&E F2, offers his tips on making the most of the job...

Guest Blog: Nat Jansen, 08.11.2016

Reddit for Medicine: 10 Tips on getting started!

People talk about using 'SoMe' in Medical Education more and more every day: it's all the rage with the MedEd kids! Twitter and Facebook are pretty well explained out there on the world wide web. But what of Reddit: the 'front page of the internet'? How do we get started? Victoria Emerson provides a handy guide...

Guest Blog: Victoria Emerson, 24.10.2016

Beginners Guide: How the Internet Works

Working on a technology-oriented project invariably means that you have to occasionally talk about technology. And to start with this can cause a few issues for the technophobes. No the internet isn’t a little black box with a flashing red light (sadly), it’s a bit more complicated than that…