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“Oh sorry, I’m just a med student…”

Medical students are widely regarded as a different species. The stereotypes - cut throat, super intelligent, socially privileged, work hard and party harder - go before us and make many medics (especially those more senior) reluctant to declare their role. Of course, all of us are hugely privileged to be in this position, but it can be a lonely and difficult place to be.

Guest Blog: Jess Leighton, 08.12.2018

Surviving and Thriving in a Foundation Junior Doctor A&E Job

Many of us hear 'horror stories' from colleagues and the media about working in A&E as a junior doctor. Tough rotas, high-stakes and work-life stress: is the nightmare a reality? Nat Jansen, an A&E F2, offers his tips on making the most of the job...

Guest Blog: Nat Jansen, 08.11.2016