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General Observations: Drunk Tanks

'Drunk Tanks' are big news at the moment, but are they addressing the bigger issues with alcohol consumption in the UK? Do they help hospitals? Check out blogger Alastair's thoughts...

Guest Blog: Alastair Coulson, 20.01.2019

Surviving and Thriving in a Foundation Junior Doctor A&E Job

Many of us hear 'horror stories' from colleagues and the media about working in A&E as a junior doctor. Tough rotas, high-stakes and work-life stress: is the nightmare a reality? Nat Jansen, an A&E F2, offers his tips on making the most of the job...

Guest Blog: Nat Jansen, 08.11.2016

Ideas, Concerns & Expectations of a Baby Junior Doctor

Medical school teaches you a lot of things... but not how to survive out there in the 'wild' of the wards. In the first of a new series of blogs, Aidan Whitehead, a new FY1 doctor reflects on his first impressions of surviving on the job. It's a jungle out there...

Guest Blog: Aidan Whitehead, 22.10.2016

The new junior doctor's roadmap: a reflection

Think about it. One moment, you're lying on a beach, enjoying the most glorious and successful summer of your life. Cocktail in hand, you don't have a care in the world. The next, you're curled up under a broken desk in some forgotten corner of a tumbled-down district general hospital, with a bleep shrieking at you and the thumping in your head shrieking even louder. What drug am I supposed to give Mabel in bay 3? What is the half life of diazepam? When is the next flight back to the beach? This is a transition that all junior doctors have to make - from apparent bliss one moment to responsibility the next. How do they cope? Laura Jones reflects on how she managed...