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“Oh sorry, I’m just a med student…”

Medical students are widely regarded as a different species. The stereotypes - cut throat, super intelligent, socially privileged, work hard and party harder - go before us and make many medics (especially those more senior) reluctant to declare their role. Of course, all of us are hugely privileged to be in this position, but it can be a lonely and difficult place to be.

Guest Blog: Jess Leighton, 08.12.2018

Study Skills Part One: Take Note

Study skills are one of those things that need continuous development – as medics we’re always learning new things, and some methods work better for different information and circumstances. Below are a few humble suggestions on the subject of note-taking, to help you with whatever you're trying to learn this exam season!

Guest Blog: Alastair Coulson, 19.11.2018

Intercalation: Catching the Entomology Bug

For a lot of people, doing an intercalation can be a great time to try something a little... different. For example, a year at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine! Read more about doing an MSc in Medical Entomology in our newest blog...

Guest Blog: Eliot Hurn, 05.11.2018

'What has reflection ever done for us?': a reflection on reflection

Hopefully you've read Dr Jason Walker's fantastic blog post on 'reflection made simple'. Our reflection generator aims to make this come alive, to hopefully raise more debate about reflection. Whilst this is a fun April Fool's joke (please do not use this for your ARCP), we really do need to talk about reflection...

The Devil's Advocate: "The Textbook is Dead"

In the deepest circle of #MedEd hell, lives the devil’s advocate. Thinking the unthinkable. Voicing your deepest and darkest thoughts about the world of medical education. In a first of a series of entries about challenging the status quo, why not take a trip with us down to meet him?